teqLink News


New networking group

teqLink founder Nina Jensen has teamed up with security expert Jens Schønberg to form a new networking group – teqHub Copenhagen

Meeting old friends from the industry, learning new insights and making new connections – all accompanied by snacks, pizza, and drinks. What is not to love!

This is exactly the idea behind the teqHub Copenhagen community, which hosted its first event on Wednesday 25 April 2024.

On the agenda where two talks. The first on security by design by Jens Schønberg and the second on web Bluetooth by Lars Knudsen.

Apart from these two educational segments, there was plenty of time and opportunity to network with the other participants and have a few laughs over drinks.

The event was a big success. Still, we did get some ideas for improvements for next time! Eg. Introduce a contest – a raffle or a Kahoot quiz – some sort of game with a few prizes. And set off enough time to catch up with all the participants the following day.

The next event will probably be some time in August 2024. If you want to join the teqHub group and get invitation to future events and talks, please join on the meetup platform by following this link.

If you have ideas for future talks, please reach out and let us know.

I'll let you in on a secret...

Retaining you good staff is better than recruiting new ones!

Recruiting the best candidates for any job is a costly affair! The fee for the recruiter is one thing, but it also requires that you and your team set off time to think about what you need, how you work, and what you are looking for in you next team member – not to mention interviews and the training and onboarding of your new colleague!

So better get it right! And make sure the staff you hire actually want to stay on for more than the trial period.

The key to this is culture.

Culture should never be reduced to the fact that there is free coffee, a fruitbasket or summer party. It's about having a set of values. No matter what it says under ‘our values’ on your company website, they can more or less be boiled down to trust, integrity, transparency and people centered.
But what really matters here is not the words – it is how ‘we the team’ make those values actionable in our work every day.

That is what is important and that is what is going to make new hires want to stay on and recommend your next jobpost to everyone in their network, talk about their team and company with pride at the next family reunion – that sort of thing.

You can’t buy that sort of marketing. It is your brand as an employer and it is what will save you a ton of money on recruiting.

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2024 marks the beginning of teqLink - your personal technical recruiter in Denmark!

This is a big day for me - one that I have been looking forward to for a long time! Having worked in the tech recuritment industry for years, I know first hand how much the personal connection to client as well as candidate means! Being able to assist People is what matters! It really is that simple. That is what I have done for years - And that is what I intend to keep doing!

So, if you are looking to extend you current R&D team or if you are a candidate looking for new challenges in the tech industry, please reach out to me trough the form below or via linkedin!

Can't wait to get started

Nina Jensen


Candidate? Client? Doesn’t matter. No matter who you are there is only one way in.

Contact for Recruitment
